
Liz is a senior advisor to SE4All and to the President of the UN General Assembly. Her initiatives in sustainable development include developing a national green economy policy and national development sustainable policy.


She served as UN Assistant Secretary General and Executive Coordinator of Rio+20 for which she led the development of the Higher Education Sustainability Initiative. In her work as a consultant she led the teams which developed sustainable energy policy for Dominica and Grenada. She also developed St Kitts and Nevis’ national yachting policy.

She is a former Minister of Government and Member of Parliament of Barbados, 1994 to 2008. She also served in the Senate from 2008 to 2010 where she led minority business. She holds LLB, LEC, MBA and LLM degrees. In 2008 her work was recognised with the prestigious Champion of the Earth Award. 

She has written two books - the first  one is by New World Frontiers ‘The Plain language Guide to Rio+20: Preparing for the New Development Agenda” this is a sister publication to the Routledge book “From Rio+20 to a New Development Agenda Building a Bridge to a Sustainable Future” both written with  Jorge Laguna Celis and Felix Dodds